Welcome to St. Patrick’s PTA page
We are a team of volunteers who work together to organise annual events for us all to enjoy as a community and hopefully raise some money along the way! We rely heavily on the support of all the parents, friends and teachers of St. Patrick’s to ensure our events are successful.
Would you like to join the team?
It’s always good to see new members, as we always need new ideas and helping hands! It’s a good way of getting to know people and does not need too much commitment. We meet on a regular basis (once or twice a month depending on what events are planned) in the Corpus Christi Catholic Club. Meeting dates are shown on the School Calendar as and when they are arranged.
If you have any queries please email us on pta.stpatrickscollierrow@gmail.com
Get all the news on our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/530370733710968/