Our School

We are an inclusive, caring and vibrant Catholic Community within the Gospel Values, which are central to the pastoral, spiritual and academic development of every child.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision and the promotion of British Values are embedded in the school’s mission statement. We have a coherent approach to the delivery and planning of SMSC provision which is rooted in our foundation as a faith school and evident in the curriculum, extracurricular opportunities and positive relationships between children and adults.

As a school we work to instil a sense of respect and value – of the world, for people and for self. The children have a great sense of empathy for those that have less than them, particularly for other children who are deprived or suffer through illness, war or deprivation. The whole school regularly reflects and prays together; the school prayer is recited by all.
We believe in achievement for all, where every child is aspirational, thinks for themselves, has high expectations, resilience, autonomy and fosters a ‘can do’ attitude. Our children are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and words at all times.

Our staff and children see themselves as active learners, being part of a learning community that seeks to inspire and motivate each other to be the best that they can be.

At St Patrick’s we celebrate God in all that we do.

Head Teacher: Mrs S. Newman


Religious Education Policy
RSE Policy